
Dylan is passionate about public education. His parents instilled in him at an early age the importance of a quality education. Dylan and his wife, Amanda, attended K-12 public schools and are grateful to have received quality educations that set them on the path to success in higher education. With two sons who will soon enter kindergarten, they are truly invested in the future of the Cranston School Department.

Too often, difficult budget situations lead to underfunding of our local school department. There cannot be a brighter future without better education, and there must be a continuing emphasis placed on making our schools the best they can be. The City Council plays a critical role in this, as it controls what resources go to the schools. Our schools must be a priority and we must invest in our educational system, from the buildings to the technology to the teachers.

“We must commit to making sure that teachers have what they need to support the growth of our kids,” said Zelazo. “Only through partnership with the Cranston School Committee can we hope to build a culture of trust and accountability where learning is supported and all children can succeed.”